lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011


1. Synesthesia: A condition in with the senses are cross wired. Its when you see colours upon hearing a sound, or can actually taste words; It is the stimulation of one sense that causes an inappropriate stimulation of another

2. grapheme-color synesthesia: When people percieve particular colors when seeing a letter, word, or number. 

3. ordinal-linguistic personification: associating words, letters or numbers with a personality. 
4. number-form synesthesia: When a persons sees diagrams of numbers in their heads.
5. sound-color synesthesia: when a persons hear sounds in color or sees colors in sounds.

6. lexical-gustatory synesthesia: whenspeech sounds induce an involuntary sensation of taste.

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

accidental Genius

What I learned in this video were the existence of amazing human beings called savans. These individuals have a mental disability but excel and have extraordinary talents in a certain area. Some examples were Kim Peak, he is mentally retarded but can reed 500 pages of a book in an hour, and has memorized 9,000 books. Then we have Lesly Lensky who is blind and mentally disabled but once he hears a melody y can play it in the piano. I personally think this is amazing because they have all this talent with the mental disability, I mean I have always thought mentally disabled people were amazing and some had talents but not those extraordinary talents. Then we have Tommy, he had a brain injury that could have killed him but soon after he began to walk again he began to draw and write weird things and poems expressing hi feelings. The doctors said these sudden traumas to the brain make cause the person to change drastically and acquire gifts like painting very well because savans normally catch a lot of detail. I knew that their were special people in the world but i am glad  that some mentally disabled individuals have genius skills.

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011

made Genius

Something that i knew was that its important to like what you do, after that everything comes easily. I learned that Women have the luck of having better use of the left brain than boys, making it easier for them to use reasoning when coming to a decision of how to learn stuff and memorizing them. Like chunking, which is to memorize things by chunks and constantly repeating it is a good way to remember things because it goes into your long term memory. What i found most interesting is the story about Susan who received a special education when she was little and her dad taught her how to play chess since she was small. The thing that makes her so good at chess was that the part of her brain that was most active when she played was the one who memorizes faces, names ect. making her remember perfectly the moves and techniques and everything she needs to know to be a good chess player. She is one of the best chess players in the world, proving that you don't have to be born Genius to be a genius, but you have to have a good education to become one.


There are amazing children around the world who are  genius and can do things that are not normal for their age and shock people. Like little mark, who can hear any musical peace and can play it in the piano. He is about 7 years old and he already knows 40 songs by memory. Something I knew already is that people who practice music have a bigger cerebellum so they have success in several other areas of their lives. Another thing I learned was a man who kept his daughter for 12 years  deprived from everything and did not have her brain developed. The lack of knowledge made her brain weak, and since she had been so many years like this she died. It is important to know that intelligence can be improved with education. Programs like the Abecedarian project give more education to the children who had a bad start, were poor and lived in bad conditions. It is encouraged to treat children correctly, encourage the to learn, and have good teachers and schools so they can learn well. 


Homosexuality is a controversial topic all around the world, and it is a mystery to several people, including me, if your born with it or you learn it . In this video I learned about an experiment they did with twins. They were to boys, one was very masculine, was into plains and liked the color blue. Then the other twin acted in a feminine way, he likes painting his nails, dolls,  and pink.  This is called Childhood Gender Non-Conformity, which I think this is so weird because identical twins have the same genes , hence they must be the same, but they are not. Our behavior is something that we learn and choose but it does not show our interests. It may be that being gay comes in the genes, but others think you become gay because the male had an overprotective mother and a distant father. Later no in the video they do an experiment on rats and inject female hormones to a male rat and he starts behaving like a male, meaning that it may be caused by the hormones. They also think that the more older brothers a boy has, the more probability of him being gay. I am currently very confused and really don't know what to think because the arguments sound so convincing, but its probably from the hormones a boy carries why they are gay.

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Criminal Mind

It's amazing how a criminal mind works. Something I already hypothesized about criminals was that many of the criminals become criminals because they see it since and early age. I think that if they have had a traumatizing experience or have been physically abused they tend to grow up can be violent because they have lived in that environment for forever. I also new that if a person is mentally unstable or has an illness, weather passed on from the parents or acquired later in life, tend to be violent in some cases. What this video added to my knowledge of criminals is that brain damage, and accident injuries make people violent. Your feelings also create violence, like when your hurt or extremely mad you tend to do incorrect things. Something that also produces violence is disorders, like multiple personality disorder, which is when you change mood frequently. When trying a criminal, they examen the criminals brain to see if he has any of the symptoms to decide if they should rather go into a mental facility instead of prison, but not many people believe these theories of criminals are true or that they justify the actions the criminal have done. They believe in its nonsense and don’t take it seriously. I truly believe criminals should be examined and until proven they really have a mental disorder they should go to a mental facility, but they should also be punished for their actions because the families of the victims don’t exactly go through an easy time because of the damages the criminals have caused to their lives, which is another thing that may plant violence in people because you see how they made you suffer and you may want revenge and to something that prejudices the life of another person.

Brain Injuries

Brain injuries tend to be produced by horrible accidents leaving the person with a traumatic experience, but what is more traumatic is how their lives turn into a constant struggle to recover afterwards. This week we saw a video that taught me several things about brain injuries. It taught me that a traumatic brain injury is when force is applied to the skull and that there are three types of trauma: Contusion, which is like a bruise or sharp blow in the brain, Axonal injury, when the neurons get damaged, and Bleeding injury, which is when theirs bleeding inside the brain. This experiences take a long time to recover with rehabilitation programs and support groups. What I did know is that these damages affect our physical and mental states in a variety of ways. Some effects of brain injuries can be problems with emotion control, memory, eating, talking, among others. Another interesting fact is that the heeling of bones and production of testosterone can be affected by simply boxing because of the constant hitting on the head. It also damages your Pituitary gland, which I find rather interesting.

domingo, 6 de febrero de 2011

Mind Reading

This week in Psycology we learned something very peculiar about mind reading. I new before that doctors could observe our brains through MRI's, but I didn't know they could read our mind before, that is something I never imagined could happen. The video taught me that there is a machine that is called Functional MRI that can read your thoughts. It works by asking the person put in the MRI to think about something and the machine detects the parts of the brain working and then what they are thinking. I found out that when you think of something, several parts of the brain work to produce the thought. Another thing they can scan is your intentions.  They sometimes use it on criminals, for example, they can scan a pedophile and show him a picture of a baby and see what does he feel, think and want to do with the baby in the picture. It can also show a  scene to someone and see if they are familiar with the situation in it. But then it told us that they did some tests wanting to prove what was the best way to cell the product to a person and they turned out to be not very effective because they sometimes don’t prove your behavior.